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530021 南宁,广西壮族自治区人民医院心内科
[摘要] 目的 探讨白介素22(IL-22)与冠状动脉钙化的关系以及预测价值。方法 将202例研究对象根据冠状动脉CT检查计算钙化积分结果分为低钙化积分组(LCAC,总积分≤300)146例,为非冠心病者;高钙化积分组(HCAC,总积分>300)56例,为冠心病者。通过ELISA法测定不同组别血清IL-22水平。结果 LCAC组IL-22为(28.34±12.63)pg/ml,HCAC组IL-22为(38.59±12.90)pg/ml(t=-6.12,P<0.001)。相关性分析提示血清IL-22水平与冠脉钙化积分(CCS)有明显相关性(r=0.42,P<0.01)。IL-22诊断冠状动脉钙化的ROC曲线下面积为0.871,最佳临界值为27.50 pg/ml,此时敏感度为85%,特异度为71%。结论 严重冠状动脉钙化者血清IL-22水平显著增高,血清IL-22可能可以作为冠状动脉钙化预测因子。
关键词:  白介素22  冠状动脉钙化
分类号:R 543.5
Study on the correlation between serum IL-22 and coronary artery calcification
YANG Zi-cong, LIU Yu, GAN Jian-ting, et al
Department of Cardiology, the People′s Hospital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Nanning 530021, China
[Abstract] Objective To investigate the correlation between serum IL-22 and coronary artery calcification and the predictive value of IL-22 in vascular calcification.Methods 202 patients were divided into low calcification group(LCAC, total scores≤300, with non-coronary heart disease, n=146), and calcification group(HCAC, high total scores>300, with coronary heart disease, n=56). The levels of serum IL-22 were determined by ELISA.Results The levels of IL-22 were (28.34±12.63)pg/ml in the LCAC group and (38.59±12.90)pg/ml in the HCAC group(t=-6.12, P<0.001). The statistic results showed that there was a significant correlation between the level of serum IL-22 and the coronary calcification scores(HCAC: r=0.42, P<0.01). The area under ROC curve of IL-22 was 0.871, and the optimal critical value was 27.50 pg/ml, with a sensitivity of 85% and a specificity of 71%.Conclusion The level of serum IL-22 is significantly increased in the patients with severe coronary artery calcification, which may be used as a predictor of coronary artery calcification.
Key words:  Interleukin 22  Coronary artery calcification