引用本文:胡嗣钦,陈 林,王 兵,易海魁,俞 渊,许 斌,王清坚.大黄灵仙胶囊调控兔胆石症模型肝功能及超微病理的作用机制研究[J].中国临床新医学,2017,10(6):505-508.
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胡嗣钦,陈 林,王 兵,易海魁,俞 渊,许 斌,王清坚
530023 南宁,广西中医药大学第一附属医院急诊科(胡嗣钦,陈 林,王 兵,易海魁),肝胆外科(俞 渊,许 斌),医务部(王清坚)
[摘要] 目的 探讨大黄灵仙胶囊对兔胆石症模型的肝肾功能干预调节作用及超微病理结构改变。方法 将新西兰大白兔80只随机分为正常对照组、药物对照组、模型组及治疗组,每组20只。正常对照组予常规饲料饲养,模型组和治疗组予致石饲料饲养;药物对照组和治疗组予大黄灵仙胶囊640 mg/kg溶水灌胃,1次/d,持续8周。采静脉血行生化检测,采肝组织行病理及电镜观察肝组织病理结构改变。结果 与正常对照组比较,模型组肝功能指标均明显升高;与模型组相比,治疗组的肝功能指标明显下降(P<0.01)。肝脏病理显示,正常对照组未见明显变化;模型组肝组织纤维化明显增多,间隙变窄,部分呈脂肪样变或者坏死;治疗组肝组织纤维化不明显,只有轻微样改变。超微病理显示,模型组肝细胞核不规则,部分细胞核出现核固缩、凋亡,内质网扩张、增生,粗面内质网可见脱颗粒现象,线粒体嵴融合并伴有空泡水肿,成纤维细胞成梭形伴有脂滴,胞浆溶解;治疗组细胞核较圆,与正常对照组相比,核周隙增宽,核胞浆中见脂滴少甚至没有,线粒体仍有空泡,细胞质中细胞器丰富。结论 大黄灵仙胶囊可减轻胆石症所导致的肝脏纤维化、肝功能损伤,修复受损肝细胞,维持肝细胞结构稳定。
关键词:  大黄灵仙胶囊  胆石症  肝功能  肝纤维化  超微病理
分类号:R 575.5
The mechanism study of Dahuanglingxian capsules on regulating liver function and ultrastructural pathology in rabbit model of cholelithiasis
HU Si-qin, CHEN Lin, WANG Bing, et al
Department of Emergency, the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine, Nanning 530023, China
[Abstract] Objective To explore the effect of Dahuanglingxian capsules on regulating the liver and kidney functions and the changes of their ultrastructural structures.Methods 80 New Zealand white rabbits were randomly divided into the normal group, the model group, the control group and the treatment group, with 20 cases in each group. The rabbits in the normal group were fed with conventional feed. The rabbits in the model and treatment groups were fed with calculi feed, and the rabbits in the control and the treatment groups were given intragastric administration with Dahuanglingxian capsules at the dose of 640 mg/kg/day for 8 weeks. The biochemical tests of venous blood, and the pathological examination of liver tissues by electron microscope were performed.Results Compared with those in the normal group, the indexes of liver function in the model group were significantly increased, but compared with those in the model group, the indexes of liver function in the treatment group were significantly decreased(P<0.01). Liver pathological results showed that the structure of liver tissue was not changed obviously in the normal group. Liver fibrosis was obviously increased and narrow gap was formed. Part of the liver tissues presented lipoid degeneration or necrosis in the model group. Only slight liver fibrosis was found in the treatment group. The ultrastructural results of the liver tissues showed that liver cell nucleus were irregular and part of the nucleus presented pycnosis and apoptosis in the model group. Endoplasmic reticulum appeared in the forms of expansion and hyperplasia. Degranulation phenomenon of rough endoplasmic reticulum was found and mitochondria crests were fused with bubble edema. Fibroblasts presented spindle with lipid droplets and cytoplasm dissolved. In the treatment group nucleus were round, and the nuclear gaps were wider than those in the normal group. Lipid droplets were hardly found in the cytoplasm. Bubbles were still seen in the mitochondria and abundant organelles were observed in cytoplasm.Conclusion Dahuanglingxian capsules can reduce liver fibrosis and liver function damage caused by cholelith disease, and repair the damaged liver cells and maintain the stable hepatocellular structures.
Key words:  Dahuanglingxian capsules  Cholelith disease  Liver function  Liver fibrosis  Ultrastructural pathology