引用本文:莫 轶(综述),韦 军(审校).我国运动心脏的诊断现状及进展[J].中国临床新医学,2018,11(2):208-212.
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莫 轶(综述),韦 军(审校)
530031 南宁,广西体育医院运动医学科(莫 轶);530012 南宁,广西体育高等专科学校运动医学系(韦 军)
[摘要] 国内至今无统一的运动心脏定义及诊断标准,近十年我国在运动心脏的发生机制、血清学及辅助诊断方面取得较显著进展,但临床症状研究相对滞后。作者提出应尽快统一我国运动心脏定义,完善国内相关流行病学调查,开展多中心研究。运动医学医师、心血管科医师及相关学科等多学科联合协作是必要的。
关键词:  运动心脏  运动员心脏  心源性猝死  基因诊断芯片
分类号:R 54
Present status and research progress of athletic heart in China
MO Yi, WEI Jun
Department of Sport Medicine, Guangxi Sport Hospital, Nanning 530031, China
[Abstract] There is not unified diagnostic standard of athletic heart at present in China. This paper summarizes and analyzes the diagnostic status, advantages and disadvantages, and the research progress of athletic heart in China over the past decade. The authors puts forward that we should unify the athletic heart definition, perfect the epidemiological investigation and develop the multicenter study in China as soon as possible. It is necessary that sports physicians, clinicians and the relevant experts should work together to establish the athletic heart diagnostic standard suiting for China.
Key words:  Athletic heart  Athlete′s heart  Sudden cardiac death  Gene diagnostic chip