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100029 北京,中日友好医院呼吸与危重症医学科四部,国家呼吸疾病临床医学研究中心
[摘要] 经鼻高流量氧疗(high-flow nasal oxygen,HFNO)是一种新型的氧疗技术,近年来开始逐步在临床普及应用。经过临床研究的不断探索,发现HFNO相较于传统氧疗具有诸多优势,并且在部分呼吸衰竭患者中的应用效果与无创通气相似,这为呼吸衰竭患者的呼吸支持提供了新的选择和思路。但其临床具体适应证仍不明确,因此现阶段应重视HFNO的临床使用规范,而其适用范围仍需临床研究的进一步探索。该文就其研究概况进行综述。
关键词:  高流量氧疗  氧疗  呼吸衰竭  呼吸支持
分类号:R 563.8
High-flow nasal oxygen
LI Zheng-dong, ZHAN Qing-yuan
The Fourth Unit of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, China-Japan Friendship Hospital, National Clinical Research Center for Respiratory Diseases, Beijing 100029, China
[Abstract]  High-flow nasal oxygen(HFNO) is a new type of oxygen therapy and has been applying in clinic widely. Recent studies finds that HFNO has many advantages over traditional oxygen therapy, and has similar effects with non-invasive ventilation in some patients with respiratory failure, which offers a new idea and choice for respiratory support in the patients with respiratory failure. However, the specific clinical indications of HFNO are still unclear, therefore, the rational use and standardized management of HFNO should be emphasized at present, and the application scopes still need to be further explored clinically. In this paper, the research progress of HFNO is reviewed.
Key words:  High-flow nasal oxygen(HFNO)  Oxygen therapy  Respiratory failure  Respiratory support