引用本文:孙 丹,伍美容,徐大宝.宫腔镜技术及其应用的未来发展趋势[J].中国临床新医学,2024,17(6):595-600.
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孙 丹1,2,伍美容1,徐大宝1
1.中南大学湘雅三医院妇科,长沙 410013;2.广西医科大学第一附属医院妇科,南宁 530021
[摘要] 宫腔镜自20世纪90年代引入我国至今,得到了迅速发展和广泛普及。宫腔镜冷刀理念逐渐被广泛接受,尤其在生育力保护方面具有独特优势。30余年来,宫腔镜器械及技术的革新从未止步。随着大数据时代到来,宫腔镜领域传统的思维方法与实践模式面临前所未有的变革。该文从手术方式和镜体器械的发展趋势、宫腔镜手术存在的困难及解决方案、困难宫腔镜手术的机器人应用方面对宫腔镜技术及其应用进行阐述,并对未来发展趋势提出见解。
关键词:  宫腔镜  冷刀技术  生育力保护  人工智能
Future development trend of hysteroscopic technique and its application
SUN Dan1,2, WU Meirong1, XU Dabao1
1.Department of Gynecology, the Third Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, Changsha 410013, China; 2.Department of Gynecology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University, Nanning 530021, China
[Abstract] Hysteroscopy has been rapidly developed and widely popularized since it was introduced into China in the 1990s. The concept of hysteroscopic cold knife has gradually been widely accepted, especially the hysteroscopic cold knife has a unique advantage in fertility protection. Over the past 30 years, the innovation of hysteroscopic devices and techniques has never stopped. With the advent of the era of big data, the traditional thinking methods and practical patterns in the field of hysteroscopy will face unprecedented changes. In this paper, hysteroscopic technique and its application are elaborated from the aspects of the development trend of surgical methods and hysteroscopic devices, the existing difficulties and solutions of hysteroscopic surgery and the robot application of difficult hysteroscopic surgery, and the future development trend is put forward.
Key words:  Hysteroscope  Cold knife technigue  Fertility protection  Artificial intelligence